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Content Strategy, Digital Strategy

Repurposing Content: Why it Matters & How to Do It

Katie Hecox
Lead Digital Strategist

Taking content you've already created and repurposing it into a different format opens up doors to expand your reach and reinforce your message.

Creating purposeful content that's worth recycling.

We're in the business of making websites. You've seen our talented team—just look at all those developers! We rely on their expertise every day to build best-in-class digital products for the clients we serve.

But it doesn't start and end at development. One of the reasons we use a cross-functional approach to our projects is because it allows us to guide content decisions from the get-go with SEO and user intent in mind.

By crafting persona-driven content that answers questions and meets the needs of your audience, you unlock a treasure trove of possibilities when it comes to content distribution. The question is, how do you move that content beyond your website to meet your audience in their natural habitat—browsing social media, shopping online, or checking their email?

Hint: the answer is through repurposing your website content.

Real life strategy session to brainstorm ways to repurpose our own content

How to repurpose content (and why it makes sense)

Repurposing content—or finding new ways to recycle your content—has several key benefits. Whether it's reaching a new audience, gaining better analytics and data, increasing your organic visibility, or simply reinforcing your message, sharing content in a new format opens up doors to expand your reach.

By taking content you've already created (and invested time and research into) and repurposing it into a different format, you have the chance to meet users who prefer visual or auditory formats of engagement.

What are some examples of repurposing content?
  1. Turn a blog series into an email series
  2. Record a podcast to pair with future blogs
  3. Use case studies in a pitch for new business
  4. Transform industry statistics into an infographic
  5. Update blogs with new information using historical optimization
  6. Explain your process in a company video
  7. Bundle content in an eBook for lead generation
  8. Showcase products on TikTok or Instagram Reels

Honestly, the list could go on. When you're immersed in your website—or overwhelmed by your workload—the idea of creating brand new content is daunting. Repurposing content encourages a frugal mindset that works within your schedule while creating an enhanced experience to meet your audience in a new way.