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Inc. Magazine Features Reusser Design’s Flexible Workweek

Katie Hecox
Lead Digital Strategist

If you could reinvent the workweek wheel, what would it look like? Maybe you’ve been working the old 9-to-5 your entire adult life and can’t imagine anything different. That’s fine. But if you’ve been sneaking glances at the corner coffee shop, longing to work remotely during the workweek, or have 3 kiddos under the age of 8 like Nate Reusser, chances are there’s a better alternative to the flow of your week.

If you could reinvent the workweek wheel, what would it look like? Maybe you’ve been working the old 9-to-5 your entire adult life and can’t imagine anything different. That’s fine. But if you’ve been sneaking glances at the corner coffee shop, longing to work remotely during the workweek, or have 3 kiddos under the age of 8 like Nate Reusser, chances are there’s a better alternative to the flow of your week.

Inc. magazine thinks so, too. Along with being a popular online resource for businesspeople, Inc.publishes a monthly magazine highlighting business growth, startup companies, technology and innovation, and much more. The January edition featured an article entitled, “Blowing Up the Workweek,” begging the question, “Could reimagining the old 9-to-5 make your company more productive?” Several innovative business leaders make a case for the enlightened schedule – our fearless leader, Nate Reusser, was among some of these men and women.

As many of you know, the 4-day workweek is something we, at Reusser Design, believe in wholeheartedly. Though it’s not a set-in-stone requirement (since some of us, myself included, don’t care to arise before the sun), nearly everyone on our team participates in this altered workweek. Nate tells Inc. magazine, “The real goal is to remove interruptions so that people can be productive.”

Others featured in the article include Jason Fried of Basecamp, and Ryan Carson of Treehouse – both of which are popular tools used in our office. Fried argues, “There’s nothing magical about 40 hours,” who gives his employees a break in the summertime with just a 32-hour week. Similarly, Ryan Carson, CEO of Treehouse, allows his 85 employees to set their own schedules, working from wherever seems right. This has led to a surprising increase in productivity and enhanced the sense of teamwork.

However your company or organization chooses to conduct the workweek, remember that flexibility is very attractive to employees of all ages. After all, “In the war for talent, flexibility is no longer just a perk,” (Inc.)

*Here’s a few statistics to leave you with:

  • 29% of college students think being able to work remotely with a flexible schedule is a right, not a privilege.
  • 66% of Millennials say having a boss who doesn’t support flexible schedules has factored into their decision to leave a job.
  • 72% of working parents say that people who work flex hours have fewer pay/promotional opportunities.
  • 76% of Gen-Xers say they look for jobs that let them work flexibly and still be on track for a promotion.

*The statistics listed above are adapted from Inc. magazine’s “Blowing up the Workweek” article.